

Rig Type Jack-Up Self -Elevating Drilling Unit 3Leg Mat Support
Owner Aban Offshore Ltd
Design&class Bethlehem ,JU-250MS;
American Bureau of Shipping, A1 Self-Elevating Drilling Unit
Construction & Conversion Year Bethlehem Steel Corporation Sparrows Point,Md,
Flag Panama
Water Depth 250'
Drilling Depth 19836'
Quarters 90 Persons
Hull 166' X109' X 16'
Variable Load 4500 Kips
Heliport 22.2 M Octogonal
Storage Mud & Cmt Bulk-5000 cft;
Liquid Mud-1780bbls;
Drill Water-4746 bbls;
Pot Water-472 bbls
Drilling Equipment Draw works-MIDCO U-1220- Driven by 2 EMD D79 DC Motors.
Mud Pumps-2 Gardner Denver PZ11, Triplex,1,600 HP,Driven by 2- D79mb DC Motors each.
Prime movers-Three 12 CYL EMD,1,650 HP each;
DC-DC System; Maximum continuous power (total) KW 645; Output 900 V DC each
Rotary Table-National C-375, Max opening in 37-1/2", GM, D79MB , Torque-3680 ft lbs; Rated capacity 500tons
Top Drive-Varco TDS-11 SA, 5000psi, Rated Capacity-500tons, output 800hp, 37500'lbs ; 228rpm
Derrick Branham 147’ X 30' X 30';
1044 Kips., Max No of 12 lines; 70 knots
BOP System One Double 13-5/8" Cameron - Type U Ram Preventer 10000psi
One Single 13-5/8" Cameron - Type U Ram Preventer 10000psi
One 13-5/8" SHAFFER, spherical Annular Preventer; 5000psi
One 21-1/4" Hydril MSP Annular Preventer; 2000psi
Single ram BOP, 21-1/4"" -2000 psi, cameron type U
One 11" Hydril MSP Annular Preventer; 1000psi
Single ram BOP, 11"" -15000 psi, cameron type U
Cranes One SeaKing 1400; PEDESTAL rating 17.84 MT and one Oil states nautilus 280-B-100 rating 30 MT @ minimum radius;
Mooring 4 NOS, Letourneau
Four Electric motor driven
50,000 lbs pull each
Positioning Nil
Work Area Kakinada (East Coast) - India
Former Names Griffin Alexander-III
Rig Photograph