

Rig Type Jack-Up Self -Elevating Drilling Unit 3 independent leg cantilever
Owner Aban Offshore Ltd
Design&class Marathon Le Tourneau ;original design MLT-53S converted to MLT-116-SC in 1984 ; (coverted from slot to cantilever type).
American Bureau of Shipping, A1 Self-Elevating Drilling Unit
Construction & Conversion Year Marathon LeTourneau Offshore Pte. Ltd, Singapore,
converted to MLT-116-SC in 1984 ; (coverted from slot to cantilever type) at Far East Livingstone Shipbuilding Ltd , Singapore
Flag Panama
Water Depth 300'
Drilling Depth 20,000'
Quarters 96 Persons
Hull 217.86' X200.5' X26'
Variable Load 4282 Kips
Heliport 70.5' Dia
Storage Mud & Cmt Bulk-6600 cft;
Liquid Mud-1498bbls;
Drill Water-4746 bbls;
Pot Water-472 bbls
Drilling Equipment Draw works- National 1320UE; Driven by two GE 752R2A - DC Motors;
Mud Pumps-2 National 12-P-160 hp; Driven by 2 GE 752R2A DC Motors each pump,
Prime movers-Four 3516-B; 1855 HP
SCR System 5Nos; M&I Maximum continuous power (total) kw.1800 amps; Output 0-750 V DC
Rotary Table-National C-375, Max opening in 37-1/2", GM, D79MB , Torque-3680 ft lbs; Rated capacity 500tons
Top Drive-Varco TDS-11 SA, 1250 AC-681-B20 , 5000psi, Rated Capacity-500tons, output 800hp, 37500'lbs ;228rpm
Derrick LEE C . MOORE .CO OPERATION 147’ X 30' X 30';
10,00,000 lbs;Max No of 12 lines, 50Knots
BOP System One Double 13-5/8" Cameron - Type U Ram Preventer 1000psi
One Single 13-5/8" Cameron - Type U Ram Preventer 1000psi
One 13 5/8" Hydril Spherical Annular Preventer ,5000psi
One 21-1/4" Hydril MSP Annular Preventer, 2000psi
One 29-1/2" WOM diverter BOP, 500psi MSP
Cranes Three Marathon LeTourneau PCM 120 AS;Boom Length 100'
45 tons @ 25'
Four Electric motor driven 4 X 33.5 HP Marathon LeTourneau W-1500 winches;
50,000 lbs pull each
Positioning Nil
Work Area Mumbai High
Former Names Chickamauga, Ile D'Amsterdam
Rig Photograph