
Quarter 2

Year :


Stock Exchange Announcement

This Notice has reference to the equity shares originally issued by the erstwhile M/s. Hitech Drilling Services India Limited (Hitech) for which the final call notice was made on 28.09.1991. Hitech was subsequently merged with Aban Offshore Ltd. (formerly Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore Ltd.) (Aban) and 2 equity shares of Rs.10/- each of which Rs.5/- per share was paid-up were issued for every 5 partly paid up equity shares held in Hitech. Subsequently each equity share of the face value of Rs. 10/- per share was split into 5 shares of Rs.2/- per share. The Partly paid equity shares of Rs. 10/- each in which Rs. 5/- per share were paid up were consequently split into 5 Partly paid up equity shares of Rs. 2/- per share of which Re.1/- per share was paid up. The members holding partly paid shares in Aban be and are hereby advised to pay the balance amount of Re.1/- per share towards face value and interest @18% p.a from 5.11.1991 as per the Final call Notice dated 28.09.1991 issued by Hitech. The Board of Directors of Aban has at its meeting held on 14th July, 2009 fixed the record date as 24th July 2009 for this purpose and individual final notice shall be sent to the respective addresses of those partly paid shareholders whose name appear in the Register of Members, as Members of the Company, in respect of shares held in physical form and whose name appear as beneficial owners as furnished by National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd in respect of shares held in electronic form at the end of the business hours as on 24th July 2009


  • Venture Drilling AS (a company that is 50% owned by Sinvest AS, which is a 100% indirect subsidiary of the Company) has commenced an 18 months drilling contract for the Drillship “Deep Venture” with Maersk Oil Angola on 10th August 2009 at a day rate of USD 495000


  • A Contract has been signed for the deployment of 3 newbuild jack-up rigs (from the Deep Driller series) in the Middle East for a period of 3 years each. The estimated revenues from the Contract is approx. USD 603 million (equivalent to Rs 2925 Crores). The deployment is likely to commence in the third quarter of 2009
  • Further, a Contract has been signed for the deployment of a newbuild jack-up rig (from the Deep Driller series) in Latin America for a period of 25 ½ months . The estimated revenues from the Contract is approx. USD 92 million (equivalent to Rs 446 Crores). The deployment is likely to commence in the third quarter of 2009


  • The Committee today allotted 8860 ( Eight Thousand eight hundred and sixty only) Equity Shares of Rs.2/- each under Employee Stock Options Scheme (ESOS 2005). The above allotment includes 6800 shares were allotted to two Deputy Managing Directors