
Quarter 2

Year :


Quarter 2

31 Aug, 2015;-

  • Jack-up rig Deep Driller 7 (wholly owned by a step-down subsidiary of the Company), which was performing a drilling contract with PEMEX, Mexico, has been released by the Operator on August 27, 2015, pursuant to exercise of early termination option by the Operator

22 Jul, 2015:-

  • A Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Monday, the 3rd August 2015 to transact the following items
    • To consider and take on record the Unaudited Quarterly Standalone Financial Results of the Company for the period ended 30th June 2015
    • To consider and take on record the Unaudited Quarterly Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the period ended 30th June, 2015
  • Further, the trading window will be closed from July 23, 2015 to August 3, 2015 (both days inclusive) in connection with the approval of the financial results and shall reopen after the expiry of 48 hours from the time of publication of results