
Quarter 2

Year :


Quarter 2- 2024-2025


Sub:: received notice from Hon’ble NCLT Chennai.

Aban Offshore Ltd has received notice from Hon’ble NCLT Chennai for a hearing on 26th September,2024 in respect of an Application filed by one of the financial creditors under Section 7 of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code for a default of Rs.366.09 Crores.


Sub:: Outcome of the Board Meeting

The Board of Directors at the meeting held today i.e. September 12, 2024, inter alia transacted the following business:

  • a) Mr. P Murari, Chairman of the Company has been made as Chairman Emeritus of the Company.
  • b) Mr. P. Venkateswaran, Vice Chairman of the Company has been appointed as Chairman of the company with effect from 19th September, 2024.
  • c) Mr. Sumit Kumar Khanna has been appointed as Additional Director (Independent) of the Company subject to approval of the shareholders. The approval will be sought throug Postal Ballot. The detailed disclosures as required under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/123 dated July 13, 2023, is enclosed as Annexure I

 The Board meeting commenced at 11.55 a.m (IST) and concluded at 12.30 p.m (IST)


Sub :: 38th Annual General Meeting of the Company for Financial Year 2023-24 held on 12th September 2024.

This is to inform you that Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company was held today the 12th September 2024 at 10.15 A.M through Video Conferencing/Other Audio Visual means.

Please find enclosed the summary of proceedings of the AGM, as required under Regulations 30, Part A of Schedule Ill of SEBI LODR Regulations (Annexure A).

Annexure A

Summary of the Proceedings of the 38th Annual General Meeting

The 38th Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Members of Aban Offshore Limited (” the Company”) as held on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 10.15 am through Video Conferencing/Other Audio Visual means. Eight Directors, Statutory Auditor and Practicing Company Secretary attended the meeting.

As the necessary quorum was available the meeting was called to order.

The following resolutions were set out in the Notice convening the AGM.

As the Auditors’ Report contained Qualification, the same was read by the Company Secretary.

Thereafter the Chairman read his Speech. He then informed the Members that the facility of remote e-voting was made available from September 09, 2024 till September 11, 2024. The Chairman informed the Members who were present at the AGM and had not cast their votes by remote e-voting could cast their votes at the Meeting. The results of the e-voting will be announced within 48 hours from the conclusion of the meeting.

The Chairman invited shareholders who had registered to speak, to seek clarifications, if any on the audited accounts and matters relating to resolutions.

The queries raised by the member at the meeting were answered by the Managing Director.

There being no other business to transact, the Chairman declared the Meeting as closed.


Sub:  Withdrawal of Consent for appointment as an Independent Director

Please take notice that Mr.Pallippakkam Sivaraman Somasekharan (DIN:10732979) who had given his consent for appointment as an independent Director in the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 12th September, 2024 has withdrawn his consent owing to unavoidable personal reasons.

In view of the above, the special resolution forming part of the Notice to the Members for the appointment of Mr. Pallippakkam Sivaraman Somasekharan (DIN:10732979) as an Independent director of the Company stands withdrawn.


Sub:  Outcome of Board Meeting

The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today i.e. 05th August 2024 have approved the following.

1. The Board noted the fact that the following Independent Directors will Complete two (2) terms effective 18th September 2024.

Mr. P. Murari, Mr. K. Bharathan , Mr. Ashok Kumar Rout and Ms. Subhashini Chandran.

2. Mrs. Deepa Reji Abraham Non Executive Non Independent retires by rotation at this ensuing Annual General Meeting has decided not to seek reappointment.

3. Appointment of Independent Directors

The Baard recommends the following persons for appointment of independent directors for a term of 5 (Five) years as recommended by Nomination and Remuneration Committee effective 19th September 2024.

  1. Mr. Pallippakkam Sivaraman Somasekharan
  2. Mr. Krishnamurthy Vijayan

4. Appointment of Non Executive and Non Independent Director.

Ms. Subhashini Chandran Independent Director will complete her term as Independent Director on 18th September 2024. The Board is of the opinion that her continuation on the Board will be of immense value to the Company. The Board therefore recommends her appointment as Non Executive Non Independent Director effective 19th September 2024.

5. Annual General Meeting to be held on 12th September 2024.

Thirty Eighth (38th) Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company will be held through Video Conferencing (“VC”) /Other Audio-Visual Means (“OAVM”) on Thursday, the 12th September 2024 at 10.15 A.M.

The Board approved the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Directors Report.

All the appointment of the Directors are subject to the approval of members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.


Sub : Intimation of Board Meeting pursuant to Regulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015.

  • Please take notice that a Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Monday, the 05th August 2024 to Consider and Approve the Unaudited (Standalone and Consolidated) Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended 30th June 2024.