
Quarter 3

Year :


Quarter 3

November 29, 2017:

  • With reference to the captioned subject, we would like to inform you that our Stepdown subsidiary Aban Singapore Pte Ltd, has incorporated a subsidiary Aban Hydrocarbons Pte Ltd
  • The details as required under Regulation 30 of the SEBI ( Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD4/2015 dated 9th September, 2015 are as under

1Name of the Target Company, details in brief such as size, turnover etcAban Hydrocarbons Pte Ltd, Newly incorporated subsidiary of Aban Singapore Pte Ltd. with paid up capital of 100 USD
2Whether the acquisition would fall within related party transaction(s) and whether the promoter /promoter group / group companies have interest in the entity being acquired?The initial subscription by Step down subsidiary Aban Singapore Pte Ltd in Aban Hydrocarbons Pte Ltd does not fall within the purview of Related Party Transaction. The Promoter /Promoter Group /Group Companies does not have any interest in the above entity
3Industry to which the entity being acquired belongsOffshore Oil and Gas Exploration
4Objects and effects of acquisition (including but not limited to, disclosure of reasons for acquisition of target entity, if its business is outside the main line of business of listed entity / the CompanyAban Hydrocarbons Pte Ltd, Singapore is incorporated to facilitate the group to participate in more tenders
5Brief details of any governmental or regulatory approvals required for the acquisitionNot Applicable
6Indicative time period for completion of the acquisitionNot Applicable
7Nature of consideration – Whether cash consideration or share swap and details of the sameCash
8Cost of acquisition or the price at which shares are acquiredTotal Number of Shares :: 100 Equity shares at a face value @ USD 1/- per equity share
9Percentage of shareholding/Control acquired or number of shares acquired100 % Shares of Aban Hydrocarbons Pte Ltd subscribed by Aban Singapore Ptd Ltd
10Brief background about the entity acquired in terms of products/line of business acquired, date of incorporation, history of last 3 years turnover, country in which the acquired entity has presenceAban Hydrocarbons Pte Ltd a newly incorporated Company to facilitate the group to participate in more tenders. History /Turnover : Not applicable Country : Singapore

October 30, 2017:

  • This is to inform that a Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Wednesday, the 8th November 2017 to transact the following items
    • To consider and take on record the Unaudited Quarterly Standalone Financial Results of the Company for the period ended 30th September, 2017
    • To consider and take on record the Unaudited Quarterly Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the period ended 30th September, 2017
  • Further, the trading window will be closed from October 31, 2017 to November 8, 2017 (both days inclusive) in connection with the approval of the financial results and shall reopen after the expiry of 48 hours from the time of publication of results

November 6, 2017:

  • There will be an Analyst / Investors call on the financial results for the Second quarter ended 30th September 2017 on Wednesday, 8th November 2017 at 04:30 PM (IST). Please click here to view the attachment version