
Quarter 3

Year :


Quarter 3

December 31, 2020:

  • We wish to inform you that the trading window for dealing in securities of the Company shall remain closed till 48 hours after the declaration of Unaudited financial results for the Quarter ended December 31, 2020 as per the Code of Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring, Preventing and Reporting of Trading in Securities by Designated Persons and immediate relatives of Designated Persons of the Company under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 as amended in December 2018

November 6, 2020:

  • We have received notice from Hon’ble NCLT Chennai for a hearing on November 10, 2020 in respect of an Application filed by one of the financial creditors under Section 7 of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code for a default of Rs. 190.30 Crores

November 3, 2020:

  • Please refer to our announcement dated 23rd June 2017 intimating award of contract for five years by Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd (“ BSP”) to a stepdown subsidiary of our Company for jack-up rig Deep Driller 5
  • We have now received a notice from BSP exercising its right of early termination for convenience, effective the last week of December 2020. The early termination fee as per the contract will be paid to Company

October 31, 2020:

  • Please refer to our announcement dated 15h October 2020 regarding meeting of bondholders on 30th October 2020 of Deep Drilling 1 Pte Ltd (the “Issuer”), a wholly owned stepdown subsidiary of our Company
  • Accordingly, please find attached a copy of the notice from bondholders’ meeting where the Issuer’s proposal was adopted
  • Please click here to view PDF format

October 30, 2020:

  • This is to inform that a Meeting of Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Wednesday, the 11th November 2020 to transact the following items
    • To consider and take on record the Unaudited Quarterly Standalone Financial Results of the Company for the period ended 30th September, 2020
    • To consider and take on record the Unaudited Quarterly Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the period ended 30th September, 2020

October 15, 2020:

  • We refer to the Stock Exchange announcements dt 13th October 2020 regarding possible amendments to the bond agreement dated 20th December 2011 entered into by Deep Drilling 1 Pte. Ltd (“DD1PL”), a wholly owned stepdown subsidiary of our Company. Accordingly, please find attached a copy of the summons for bondholders’ meeting on 30th October 2020 with the proposed amendments to the bond agreement
  • Please click here to view PDF format

October 13, 2020:

  • Deep Drilling 1 Pte Ltd(DD1PL) our wholly owned step down subsidiary today announced that the DD1PL is considering certain further amendments to the bond agreement originally dated 20 December 2011 (as previously amended, latest in December 2016). Such new amendments will include, but is not limited to the extension of the tenor of the bonds