
Quarter 4

Year :


Disclosure of shares pledged by Promoters

We have been informed by the Promoters of the Company that they have pledged 30,76,900 equity shares held by them as securities. The total pledged shares represent approximately 8.14% of the total paid up capital of the CompanyDetails of shares pledged

Name of the Promoter No of shares pledged % of the paid up capital of the Company Date of Disclosure

  • Mr. Reji Abraham 2508400 6.64 02.02.2009
  • M/s Aban Investments Private Limited 568500 1.50 02.02.2009

The above disclosure is made in accordance with Securities Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) (Amendment) Regulations 2009, notification dated 28th January 2009
Kindly take the information on record